Sunday, February 6, 2011

Google AdSense

What is AdSense?

Google AdSense is a free, simple way for website publishers of all sizes to earn money by displaying targeted Google ads on their websites. AdSense also lets you provide Google search to your site users, while earning money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.

AdSense outlined

  • Get paid for displaying targeted Google ads on your site
  • Customize ads easily to match your site's look and feel
  • Track your success with online reports
  • Read how publishers found success with AdSense in our case studies

How does it work?

  1. Choose the type and placement of ad units to be displayed

    • Specify where you want ads to appear
    • Choose what types of ads can compete for those slots

  2. Highest-paying ads display

    • Advertisers bid on your inventory in a real-time auction
    • Always show the highest-paying ad

  3. Get paid

    • Google bills advertisers and ad networks
    • Get paid through our reliable payment options

More features

If you have a website that complies with our program policies and eligibility criteria, we encourage you to give a try to AdSense.

Get Started now 

Our specialist team will review your application and you’ll receive a follow-up email within about a week. If you’re accepted into the program, you can sign in to your new account to get the HTML code that will display ads on your web pages.

How much will I earn with AdSense?

There's no precise answer, because your earnings will depend on a number of factors.
  • The type of ads appearing on your pages: By displaying ads with AdSense for content, you can display ads that are paid when users click them or when users view them. All ads compete in an ad auction, and our system automatically selects those which will generate the most revenue for you while ensuring a good user experience.
  • The pricing of ads appearing on your pages: Not all ads are priced the same, so factors such as changing advertiser budgets, your specific content, and the ads your users choose to click will cause your earnings to vary even from day to day.
  • How many AdSense products you use: You can earn from AdSense in many different ways -- by displaying ads on your webpages, by providing search to your users, by displaying ads in feeds, and more. Using more AdSense products will increase your potential earnings.
The best way to find out how much you'll earn is to sign up and start showing ads on your webpages. There's no cost, no obligation, and getting started is quick and easy. Sign up now.
Once you're a part of Google AdSense, you can see your earnings at any time by signing in and viewing your reports. You'll be able to see the total number of ad clicks, impressions, clickthrough rate, and your total earnings. This information will give you an idea of how well the program is performing for you and how much you can expect to earn over time in the program.

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